
Show Me the Funny

The more I view and listen to advertisements, the more I see and hear humor being used to peddle and promote good and services, what was once considered to be a risky or taboo practice seems to be at the forefront of marketing and advertising these days. Because humor is not preachy or pitchy, it…


Humor in Advertising Part 3

  There is a traditionally held belief within our industry that the best products or services to use humor to promote are things that don’t cost a lot of money or require a lot of thought like; beer, candy bars, soft drinks or fast food but, an insurance selling duck (which looks more like Goose)…


Humor in Advertising Part 2

  Abduction, homicide, conspiracy to conceal a capital crime, fecal incontinence (involuntary defecation) and angry, overly-taxed colonials, just a few of the themes one might hear in the course of listening to an Ideal Positions radio ad. It is with caution, creativity, and courage that a company must proceed when undertaking such a risky enterprise.…


Humor in Advertising Part 1

No matter how you feel about the use of humor in advertising, I’m guessing that you can still point to at least one t.v., radio, print or digital ad over the years that tickled your funny bone. Personally, my favorite humorous ad campaign was one that Sprite ran many years ago where they made fun…


Under New Ownership

In 2004, Kelsy Anderson began a long-distance hike on the Appalachian Trail and what she thought were steps in the wrong direction, turned out to be leading her towards just the right path. In June of that year, Kelsy started Ideal Positions working from home with no equity funding and no loans. It was just…